My chosen family!

Wherever I go, I find a home. Home is just an illusionary concept of feeling comfortable and safe. My life changed when I stepped into my 20s. There were too many new people I met and too many places that I travelled to. As I went by, I realized that I dropped a piece of my heart in each of these places and people; and I would never be home again as an entire person. So, here are all the places where the pieces of my heart beat.

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Ritika Dubey

Ritika Dubey is a journalism-New Media (PG) student at Sheridan College. An Indian journalist, she is passionate about reporting on environmental issues. Ritika has a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, with majors in the English language. She is a research scholar, digital illustrator, avid reader and traveller. She moved to Canada in August 2019 and currently lives in Oakville, Ontario.

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